Friday, August 15, 2008


I arrived in the States on Monday to visit friends and family. Zurich has very good food, don't get me wrong, but the one thing it doesn't have is variety and an infinity of stimulating and tantalizing food choices. I felt like I needed a cigarette after my recent trip to Whole Foods.

Let me cut to the chase: now available is yogurt and ice cream made out of coconut milk (!!!!). I make no secret of the fact that I am highly suspicious of dairy in general, but I am never really interested in dairy-type products that are not made from milk because they are usually made out of soy of which I am also very suspicious.

So back to the product - they're "So Delicious" yogurts and ice creams made from a company that first started making nondairy products from soy. Now they do coconut milk too which is absolutely brilliant.

If this is old news to people, I apologize. I have obviously been living in a cave.

If you want to know more about why coconut is the shizz, you can go to the July archives in this blog where I offered up a bit of info.


Rambler said...

Glad to see you found these products!! Just wait until you move back and you can have them all the time! I love dairy but am also very suspicious of Soy!!!

DiavoloRosso said...

BOOOOO! This blog hasn't been updated in a long while!

Anonymous said...

Your blog rocks. The States are in for a big surprise when you return.
